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Diagnosis: Dehydration

Age at Diagnosis: 5 days old

Current Age: 11 years old


Tucker's story, as told by his mother, Cary:


We were overjoyed to learn that we were expecting on May 28, 2006. My pregnancy was full of issues, several pre-term labor scares, bed rest, the works! I was in a car accident on May 2, 2006, and Tucker was delivered via emergency c-section that evening. Despite all of the issues leading up to his birth, he was a little bitty thing but healthy. We went home from the hospital after a normal stay and left excited to start our new life as a family of 3.  


When Tucker left the hospital he was just a touch over 5 pounds so I was told that I had to nurse him every 2-3 hours around the clock indefinitely. On our second night home, in the middle of the night, I tried to wake him to feed him and he just wasn't interested in feeding, or waking up for that matter! We called the nurse line at our CHKD Pediatrician's office and were told to take his temperature. We did this and found that his temperature was very low.  


We were told to get in the car, pajamas and all, and rush to the CHKD Emergency Room. Upon arriving, we were greeted by an amazing nurse who took his vitals, and handed us tissues! In a few short minutes, we were whisked into the trauma room where they proceeded to do a spinal tap, catheter, blood draws to culture,  and started an IV on my teeny 5-pound newborn son. Nurses there provided comfort, hugs, information and encouraging words.  


We were immediately admitted to the 8th floor and warned that Tucker might have Meningitis. We stayed 5 days while the cultures grew and were treated with the best care, both for Tucker, and for us as parents that you could ever imagine. The care for our family was like nothing that I would ever have imagined. Tucker's medical needs were being satisfied, but just as importantly, our emotional and my physical needs were taken care of as well.  


Ultimately, Tucker was fine and diagnosed with severe dehydration from nursing. After we were discharged I swore up and down that one day I would work for CHKD to give back to the hospital that did so much for us. A year later I was hired in the Development Office at CHKD to raise money for the first Outpatient facility that CHKD built at Princess Anne. I worked there for 7 amazing years and loved every minute!


I had the pleasure of touring current and potential donors through the units in the hospital and introducing them to staff, services and the facilities that our family holds so dear to us! Tucker has since had ear tubes and both he and my daughter have had their tonsils and adenoids removed at CHKD. We see a CHKD Pediatrician, CHKD Specialists, have visited the ER several times and feel so grateful to have this amazing hospital in our community.


Today Tucker is a sweet, bright, happy, energetic and healthy 11-year-old boy! There is nothing that I would not do for CHKD, as they saved our son and the lives of many children I know.

The above link will take you to our CrowdRise site. To donate in honor of Tucker, please write Tucker Gaddy or Mile 17 in the comments section of your donation.

Tucker Gaddy

Mile 17

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