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Diagnosis: Crohn's Disease

Age at Diagnosis: 8 years old

Current Age: 10 years old


Ryan's story, as told by her mother, Kathryn:


In February of 2016, we noticed Ryan was losing weight rapidly and had little-to-no appetite. Thinking we were dealing with some sort of food intolerance, we made an appointment with her pediatrician who sent us immediately for blood work. The results were startling and showed significant malnutrition and inflammation.


Within a week Ryan had an appointment with Dr. Ammoury with CHKD Gastroenterology and was scheduled for a scope, colonoscopy and MRE (Magnetic resonance enterography), the results of which gave us a diagnosis on the spot.


Pediatric Crohn’s disease is a chronic, auto-immune disease that effects the lining of the digestive tract. There is currently no cure for Crohn’s disease, treatment is life-long and can be very elusive for children.


Because Ryan was diagnosed so quickly we were able to immediately work on a treatment plan. After a few months of steroids, we started dual therapy, an immunosuppressant and a biologic that Ryan receives through infusions once a month.


Thanks to CHKD, Dr. Ammoury, and our wonderful infusion nurses, Ryan is currently in medically-induced remission. Aside from our many, on-going trips to CHKD for infusions and appointments, Ryan is able to live a normal, active, pain-free life.  We would never have dreamed we would have a child battling a life-long chronic illness, but feel fortunate to have a local children’s hospital that works hard to keep Ryan happy, healthy and thriving.

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Ryan W.

Mile 14

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